Interlocking Paver Block Making Process.
Interlocking Paver Block Making Process & How to Start Paving Blocks Business.
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You can also learn full “interlocking paver block making process” / “concrete paver block making process” check our videos on youtube.
“interlocking paver block making process” / “concrete paver block making process” you need to understand before start new concrete paver Blocks making factory.
its good for every new business find real fact about that. because its a concrete related business its better you learn about cement properties.
the Concrete is the basic product of proper mixing of cement (OPC Cement or PPC Cement ), water, aggregate ( Stones chips or sand).

The setting of concrete is a chemical reaction ( hydration ) between the cement and the water, its is not a Concrete drying process.
This reaction is called hydration of Cement, it evolves that heat as does any chemical reaction, ones its start and the process is irreversible.
There is an initial set when the concrete will cease to be liquid but have little strength (e.g. 8 to 24hrs. old), thereafter the concrete Now will gradually gain regular strength over time until it achieves the full strength required.
Differing Concrete mix proportions and Ordinary Portland Cement or Pozzolanic Portland Cement types will achieve required strengths in differing time of spans.
“interlocking paver block making process” / “concrete paver block making process“
Cement concrete tiles and paving blocks are precast solid products made out of cement concrete. The product is made in various sizes and shapes viz. rectangular, square and round blocks of different dimensions with designs for interlocking of adjacent tiles blocks. The raw materials required for manufacture of the product are portland cement and aggregates which are available locally in every part of the country.