City Waste Management.
Plastic is now a regular material that is being used on a daily basis.
Plastic is everywhere either in the form of food containers, water/juice bottles, pouch bags, rappers, storage, baggage, stationary items, electronic and electrical products and every foreseeable item that a human being can think of.
Plastic as a product is now like a regular feature of manufacturing, consumption, and service activities.
Littering of plastics in the form of plastic bags causes major blocking of the cities life.
A study has been undertaken to investigate the strength of stabilized clay-soil reinforced with randomly distributed discrete plastic waste fibers by carrying out unconfined compressive strength and tensile-split strength test.
In this study, the soil was stabilized mixtures of plastic fibers.
The effect of the fiber length and content on the compressive and split tensile strength, load bearing capacity was investigated.
The laboratory investigation results show that inclusion of the plastic waste fiber increased significantly both the unconfined compressive strength and tensile-split strength of the stabilized clay soil.
The fiber length plays a significant contribution in increasing the soil strength.
To contribute for any significant improvement on compression as well as tensile strength, the fiber length should be in range of 20 mm to 40 mm.
Fiber reinforcements also reduced soil brittleness by providing smaller loss of post-peak strength.
Plastic-waste materials are produced plentifully such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles, polypropylene (PP) of plastic sack, and polypropylene (PP) of carpet.
But such materials have been used little for engineering purposes, and the overwhelming majority of them have been placed in storage or disposal sites.
Experimental results reported by various researchers showed that the fiber-reinforced soil is a potential composite material which can be advantageously employed in improving the structural behavior of the stabilized and unstabilized soils.
Investigation of fiber reinforcement system in a cement-stabilized soil have been done successfully by other researchers.
Mostly those researchers studied the compressive strength behavior of the fiber-reinforced soil-cement mixtures.
Experimental Program of city waste management.
The experimental program consisted of the following phases:
(1) preliminary laboratory tests that included index properties, grain size analysis, and standard Proctor compaction tests to establish the moisture-density relationships of the unstabilized soil;
(2) unconfined compression tests and split tensile tests on various amounts and lengths of fiber specimens.
Soil- The soil samples used in the present experimental tests were obtained from local field.
Fiber Plastic fibers used in the present investigation collected from locally available polypropylene plastic-bag wastes.
The width of single fiber was approximately 2 mm – 2.5 mm.
Tensile strength of the plastic fiber specimens was 62.85 kN/m2 in average and the strain at rupture was 15.3% in average.
Results and Discussion of city waste management.
The experimental results of unconfined compressive strength and split tensile strength are presented respectively.
Stabilization of the soil by lime has enhanced significantly the compressive strength from 43 kPa to 102 kPa were achieved.
This characteristic indicated that there was a chemical reaction among lime, and soil to form a cementations product, in the presence of moisture, which remain mostly in Indian garbage.
SRI KRISHNA PLASTO was established in year 1998 by Mr. Virender Jindal.
We have a well established expert team of engineers and scientist, with regular and timely research and development in various segments, we had developed a technology which can transform the waste from various sources like industrial, household.
This technology will treat the scattered landfill and then will utilize it in making highways (roads), thus making environment neat and healthy.
Project:- Treat the Scattered landfill and then will utilize it in making highways (roads).
Virender Jindal
Naveen Maheshwari
Senior Chemical Engineer, Corrosion Technologist
Dr. Aditi Maheshwari
Senior Consultant