How to make pavers without using cement

How to make pavers without using cement.

How to make pavers without using cement.

How to make pavers without using cement

How to make pavers without using cements

Pavers or paving stones are mainly used for exterior flooring. In factory pavers are made up of concrete and some colouring reagent for giving color to the pavers. There are four quality of pavers:
• Brick
• Stone
• Clay
It is used for pathways, walkways and driveways

We can install the pavers without cement too by make them lay on tile, bricks or other sturdy, flagstones, flat pavers base on well prepared base. This technique will help us if we want to move our pavers from one place to another.

Steps for installing the paver

Step 1 : choose the paver you want to install on the area. Precisely calculate the area and multiply length by width for the result. Purchase paving material which you can easily find in the hardware shop.

Step 2 : Dig out area where you want to install your paver (installing paver without cement). Remove approx. 4 to 9 inches of soil from that particular area.

Step3 : Clear the area so that their will be no rock and roots because we are installing the paver without cement. So, we need neat area so that our paver can easily settled on soil.

Step 4 : line out the outside edge with the help of bender board or with the material which works like bender board. We will use the bender board for temporary handling the paver.

Step 5 : Moist the area with water.

Step 6 : Fill the hollow area with the road base to utmost depth of 2 to 4 inches. We can also use ¾ inch of gravel.

Step 7 : Again, wet the area with water.

Step 8 : Again add 2 to 4 inches of sharp sand and settled the pavers to the soil according the gap you want between two pavers.

You can give large gap for growing weeds in between the pavers for the decoration purpose only.

Step 9 : Moisten the soil again so that paver get stick to the soil.

Step 10 : Fill the crack with sand when the crack get filled.

Step 11 : Leave it for a few days because we are installing pavers without cement so it will take time to get settled properly.

Step 12 : Swipe the extra sand from the pavers when it properly get stick.

Step 13 : lightly give water if you want to install weedicide plant in between the pavers.

How to make pavers without using cement How to make pavers without using cement How to make pavers without using cement How to make pavers without using cement How to make pavers without using cement

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